Chu Chu's Chow is the name of a late night restaraunt located in the haunted cabin hovering above the Purple Bog by the town of Hogsface. It was owned and operated by Chunt & Usidore.
The restaurant is usually deep in debt, however, the owners seem to think it unlikely that a debt collector will venture into a haunted bog to collect from a powerful wizard.
Chu Chu's Chow sponsored Episode 29 of Arnie Neikamp's podcast "Hello From The Magic Tavern".1
The Foon-famous bard duo nymbee & Grundle wrote a jingle for Chu Chu's Chow, but Grundle's insertion of conspiracy theories into the lyrics led Chunt & Usidore not to use it.2
- Owner: Chunt
- Head Chef: Leonard Cronkite
- Head Chef Emeritus: Usidore
- Bartender: Pimbly Nimblebottom
- Pork Skull: The meat of the most evil pig you know, all stuffed into its skull
- Sundered Beef
- Green Beans and Grubs
- Saturday Morning Surprise
- Deep Fried Fox Face
- Sheep's Face
- Pig's Face
- Horsetail Fritters
- Whole Goat, marinated in blood
- Cram'N'Scrap
- Beak Bread, leftover chicken parts combined into a pastry
- Crowssaint, Beak Bread made with crow
- Sparking Owl Tears
- Fut Nuts
- Jock Jam, an enchanted jam that makes you good-humored
All menu items are locally sourced, because there are no other options.
Chu Chu's Chow also offers a prix fixe menu.6
They have experimented with ways of delivering food.
- The first experiment involved getting tiny horses to drag the food around, but the food got dirty.
- The second experiment involved Usidore attempting to make the food sentient and deliver itself. The result was Gorgeous.
Selected Recipes
Saturday Morning Surprise
The uneaten portions of Friday's meals, scraped into a casserole dish, mixed with mayonnaise and liver paté, and cooked for 4 minutes at 6000 degrees. Those who eat it wither into a pile of nothing. Surprise!
Deep Fried Fox Face
Skin the face of a fox, and slowly lower the face meant into a boiling hot pool of oil until it is crispy & delicious. Served with fur.
Take any animal found under the light of the full moon and slit its belly open with a sacred dagger. Clean out entrails, and then cram the cavity with as much raw meat of another animal that you can, and sew it up. This must be done in the light of the full moon, and must be done before sun rises, otherwise the animal will reanimate. Then, soak animal in its own urine for 24 hours, and cook it rotisserie style.
Food Cart
Upon discovering Butt Soup, Chunt & Usidore create a food cart spin off Chu Chu's Chow. Chunt hires Peedee the Pussy Cat to run the cart, which they call "Butt Soup Pussy Cat".7