Hello from the Magic Tavern character
First appearance "Mouse"
Played by Erin Keif
Name Momo
Species Mouse
Occupation Messenger

Momo is a talking mouse She was born with the strength of a human and refers to herself in the third person.

When she meets Arnie she is working as an unpaid assistant for Gregory the Dragon, and is small enough to send messages back and forth without being seen. The boys think she may also be able to serve as an assassin to help them overthrow The Dark Lord. Momo is also acting as Daphne the Unwed Mother's therapist. She's a member of the unilateral church, and is afraid of twins.

She can play the mandolin & guitar.


Momo has 700 brothers and sisters who lives together in another person's home, in a mouse house with a room for each sibling. All of Momo's siblings are double named (like Vicki Lawrence) except for Mike who is very charming and has stolen a boyfriend or girlfriend from each of his other siblings. Her favorite sister is Fran Fran.

Momo is played by Erin Keif.


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